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South By Southwest Adventures LLC. | Let your Adventure begin! 623.565.8432<p>928.421.1288<a href="" rel="publisher"></title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all" /> <link href=',300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href=',700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <comment> COCOON SKIN BEGIN </comment> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/sites/all/themes/vossen/css/colors/blue.css" media="all"> <comment> COCOON SKIN END </comment> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <comment>//</comment><![CDATA[//><comment> window.jQuery || document.write("<script src='/sites/all/modules/contrib/jquery_update/replace/jquery/1.11/jquery.min.js'>\x3C/script>") //</comment><!]]> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <comment>//</comment><![CDATA[//><comment> jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings, {"basePath":"\/","pathPrefix":"","ajaxPageState":{"theme":"vossen","theme_token":"0wbBBnb42tEGgT9zLIkYoa2FWCVgdnRIbMl_CF7jUlo","jquery_version":"1.11","js":{"\/\/\/jquery-1.11.2.min.js":1,"0":1,"misc\/jquery.once.js":1,"misc\/drupal.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/jquery_update\/replace\/ui\/external\/jquery.cookie.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/jquery_update\/replace\/misc\/jquery.form.min.js":1,"misc\/ajax.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/jquery_update\/js\/jquery_update.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/themekey\/themekey_redirect\/themekey_redirect.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/custom\/water_data\/waterdata.js":1,"misc\/collapse.js":1,"misc\/form.js":1,"misc\/progress.js":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/webform\/js\/webform.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/moderniz.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/smoothscroll.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/revslider.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/bootstrap.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/waypoints.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/parallax.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/easign1.3.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/cubeportfolio.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/owlcarousel.min.js":1,"http:\/\/\/maps\/api\/js?sensor=false":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/gmap3.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/wow.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/counterup.min.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/plugins\/masonry.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/scripts.js":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/js\/homepage.js":1,"1":1,"2":1,"3":1},"css":{"modules\/system\/system.base.css":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/simplenews\/simplenews.css":1,"modules\/comment\/comment.css":1,"modules\/node\/node.css":1,"modules\/search\/search.css":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/views\/css\/views.css":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/ctools\/css\/ctools.css":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/custom\/water_data\/waterdata.css":1,"sites\/all\/modules\/contrib\/webform\/css\/webform.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/animate.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/bootstrap.min.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/cubeportfolio.min.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/ionicons.min.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/owl.carousel.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/revolution-slider.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/simple-line-icons.css":1,"sites\/all\/themes\/vossen\/css\/style.css":1}},"ThemeKeyRedirect":{"checkOnce":false,"redirectOnce":false},"ajax":{"edit-webform-ajax-submit-32":{"callback":"webform_ajax_callback","wrapper":"webform-ajax-wrapper-32","progress":{"message":"","type":"throbber"},"event":"click","url":"\/system\/ajax","submit":{"_triggering_element_name":"op","_triggering_element_value":"Send message"}},"edit-submit":{"callback":"simplenews_block_form_ajax_submit_1","wrapper":"block-simplenews-1","method":"replaceWith","effect":"fade","progress":{"type":"none"},"event":"click","url":"\/system\/ajax","submit":{"_triggering_element_name":"op","_triggering_element_value":"Subscribe"}}}}); 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max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <h2 class="home-heading op-1">We are South by Southwest</h2> </div></div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-body"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Subheading </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-subheading sft" data-x="center" data-y="360" data-speed="1200" data-start="1350" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1">2017 · ADVENTURE · COMMUNITY · CONSERVATION</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Button </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-button sft fadeout" data-x="center" data-y="400" data-speed="1200" data-start="1550" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1"><a href="#portfolio" class="btn btn-primary btn-scroll">View Experiences</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <comment> SLIDE </comment> <li data-transition="fade" data-slotamount="7" data-masterspeed="2000" data-thumb="" data-delay="10000" data-saveperformance="on" data-title="About Us" class=""> <img src="" alt="slidebg" data-bgposition="center top" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat"> About Us <div class="views-field views-field-field-heading-1"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Heading </comment> <div class="tp-caption sft" data-x="center" data-y="260" data-speed="1200" data-start="1100" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <h2 class="home-heading op-1">A New Type of Outfitter</h2> </div></div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-body"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Subheading </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-subheading sft" data-x="center" data-y="360" data-speed="1200" data-start="1350" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1">2017 · PERSONALIZED TRIPS · EXPERT GUIDANCE · MANY OPPORTUNITIES</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Button </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-button sft fadeout" data-x="center" data-y="400" data-speed="1200" data-start="1550" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1"><a href="#about" class="btn btn-primary btn-scroll">What we do</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <comment> SLIDE </comment> <li data-transition="fade" data-slotamount="7" data-masterspeed="2000" data-thumb="" data-delay="10000" data-saveperformance="on" data-title="Guide" class=""> <img src="" alt="slidebg" data-bgposition="center top" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat"> Guide <div class="views-field views-field-field-heading-1"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Heading </comment> <div class="tp-caption sft" data-x="center" data-y="260" data-speed="1200" data-start="1100" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <h2 class="home-heading op-1">Most Experienced Verde Guides</h2> </div></div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-body"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Subheading </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-subheading sft" data-x="center" data-y="360" data-speed="1200" data-start="1350" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1">2017 · ACA INSTRUCTORS · HIGHLY SKILLED GUIDES · OUTDOOR EXPERTS</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"> <div class="field-content"> <comment> Home Button </comment> <div class="tp-caption home-button sft fadeout" data-x="center" data-y="400" data-speed="1200" data-start="1550" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 4; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space:normal;"> <div class="op-1"><a href="#team" class="btn btn-primary btn-scroll">Meet the team</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="home-bottom"> <div class="container text-center"> <div class="move bounce"> <div class="region region-hero-bottom"> <div id="block-block-31" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <a href="#features" class="ion-ios-arrow-down btn-scroll op-3"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <comment> Start Content </comment> <div class="site-wrapper"> <a id="main-content"></a> <section> </section> <comment> End Content </comment> <comment> Onepage Features </comment> <section id="features"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-features"> <div id="block-block-8" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <div class="row features-row wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <a href="/blog-columns"><i class="icon-map size-2x highlight"></i></a> <i class="icon-map back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>River Tours</h4> <p class="feature-description">Whether you want to run the Verde or the Salt, guided or not, we have you covered with transportation and beta!</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <i class="icon-basket-loaded size-2x highlight"></i> <i class="icon-basket-loaded back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>Rental Gear</h4> <p class="feature-description">You might be planning a few hours on the water, or a month long expedition. Either way we have the gear for you.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <i class="icon-anchor size-2x highlight"></i> <i class="icon-anchor back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>Lake Trips</h4> <p class="feature-description">On Lake Pleasant, we can take you for a guided trip, run a class, or just bring you a boat for the day!</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <i class="icon-share size-2x highlight"></i> <i class="icon-share back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>Community Events </h4> <p class="feature-description">As Arizona families ourselves, community is key. Big or small, for-profit or non, we will help you plan any event you can imagine.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <i class="icon-graduation size-2x highlight"></i> <i class="icon-graduation back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>Classes and Education</h4> <p class="feature-description">The best way to stay safe is to get educated! As the only American Canoe Association Instructor certified company in the state, are you ready for class?</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 feature-column"> <div class="feature-icon"> <i class="icon-shield size-2x highlight"></i> <i class="icon-shield back-icon"></i> </div> <div class="feature-info"> <h4>Conservation</h4> <p class="feature-description">Without our rivers, lakes and trails, none of us can do what we love. Help us help those who protect the land we love.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#features </comment> <comment> Onepage About </comment> <section id="about" class="parallax-section-1"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-about"> <div id="block-block-9" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 text-left about-text"> <h2 class="content-title white wow fadeInUp animated">About us.</h2> <p class="grey wow fadeInUp animated">Founded in early 2014, South by Southwest Adventures LLC is dedicated to helping you explore more. As AZ natives and world explorers, we at South by Southwest have heard this question many times: "Isn't Arizona all desert, what is there even to do around here?" Well allow us to show you!</p> <p>SbSW exists to educate about and share the beauty of the southwest. We have the gear, the guides, instructors, and the training to build custom river trips and outdoor experiences of a lifetime. All this so that we can bring you top notch trip planning, logistics, guided tours and outdoor experiences while maintaining your safety during your adventure. Looking for a corporate team building tour for you and a couple hundred of your employees? Let us take you down a river or canyon and give them all an experience they will never forget. Need something much smaller and simpler like rental gear for your next family vacation? Not a problem as there is no outdoor adventure idea that is too big or too small for us.</p> <p>Next time you are looking for rental gear, guidance to plan a trip, or guides for an adventure, give us a call. We will also repair gear, store it, or set up classes to teach you any outdoor skills you need to explore safely and with confidence. South by Southwest Adventures LLC, your full service outdoor concierge... <a href="/post/who-south-southwest">more</a></p> </div> <div class="col-md-6 wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="video-container"> <iframe src="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#about </comment> <comment> Onepage Team </comment> <section id="team"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-team"> <div id="block-views-team-block" class="block block-views"> <div class="content"> <div class="view view-team view-id-team view-display-id-block view-dom-id-a92bd0ddee42a30b2d0c5995f5d7499b"> <div class="view-header"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center wow fadeInUp animated"> <h3 class="section-title">Meet the Crew.</h3> <p class="subheading">Interdisciplinary team for <span class="highlight">safety</span> and adventure!</p> </div> </div> <div class="view-content"> <div class=""> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 team-member"> <div class="effect effects wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="650" height="450" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-facebook"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-twitter"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-youtube"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-dribbble"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><i class="icon-envelope-open"></i></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member-info wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><h4>Dylan Anderson</h4></div> <div><h5 class="highlight">Founder / Lead Guide</h5></div> <div><div><p>Knows some good stuff, and does some things mighty fine. - Is what I want this to say. I'm being told that I should say I have been running rivers, teaching river skills, and playing on the water with various certifications since the 1990's.</p> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 team-member"> <div class="effect effects wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="650" height="450" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-facebook"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-twitter"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-youtube"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-dribbble"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><i class="icon-envelope-open"></i></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member-info wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><h4>Craig Walker</h4></div> <div><h5 class="highlight">Community Relations / Lead Guide</h5></div> <div><div><p>An ACA certified instructor, I am kid tested 20 years now and mostly mother approved! Let's go play on the water shall we?</p> </div></div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 team-member"> <div class="effect effects wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="650" height="450" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-facebook"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-twitter"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"><a target="_blank" href=""><i class="icon-social-youtube"></i></a></div> <div class="social-icon"></div> <div class="social-icon"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><i class="icon-envelope-open"></i></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="member-info wow fadeInUp animated views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><h4>Jeff Dallmann</h4></div> <div><h5 class="highlight">Guide</h5></div> <div><div><p>Been living in Arizona for 45 years. Paddling and guiding whitewater for over 25 years throughout the southwest. I like to share my love for rivers with everyone!</p> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#team </comment> <comment> Onepage Skills </comment> <section id="skills" class="parallax-section-2"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-skills"> <div id="block-block-10" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 skills-row"> <h4 class="content-title white wow fadeInUp animated">Our Water.</h4> <p class="p-info grey wow fadeInUp animated">Our guided and unguided trips take place on several waterways. Check here for all the information you need to plan your trips and prepare for an awesome day trip or even a week long expedition. If you need more beta, just call us!</p> <p class="p-info grey wow fadeInUp animated">The Verde River is our main year round river trip with spring fed sources and reliable flows. The Lower Salt River is dam controlled and very predictable but only running in the summer. Lake Pleasant offers the most convenient flat water paddling with many interesting coves and a fascinating history.</p> </div> <div class="col-md-8 col-sm-12 wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="progress-bars"> <p>VERDE RIVER NEAR CLARKDALE - 09504000</p> <div class="progress" data-percent="25%"> <div class="progress-bar" style="width: 25%;"> <span class="progress-bar-tooltip">57cfs</span> </div> </div> <p>VERDE RIVER NEAR CAMP VERDE - 09506000</p> <div class="progress" data-percent="87%"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" style="width: 87%;"> <span class="progress-bar-tooltip">143cfs</span> </div> </div> <p>SALT RIVER BLW STEWART MOUNTAIN DAM - 09502000</p> <div class="progress" data-percent="10%"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" style="width: 10%;"> <span class="progress-bar-tooltip">6.4cfs</span> </div> </div> <p>SALT RIVER NEAR CHRYSOTILE - 09497500</p> <div class="progress" data-percent="75%"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" style="width: 75%;"> <span class="progress-bar-tooltip">570cfs</span> </div> </div> <p>LAKE PLEASANT</p> <div class="progress" data-percent="91.13%"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" style="width: 91.13%;"> <span class="progress-bar-tooltip">91.13%</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#skills </comment> <comment> Onepage Facts </comment> <section id="fun-facts"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-facts"> <div id="block-block-11" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <div class="counter-row row text-center wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 fact-container"> <div class="fact"> <span class="counter highlight">5596</span> <h4>Happy Guests</h4> <p>Have <span class="highlight">paddled</span> with us</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 fact-container"> <div class="fact"> <span class="counter highlight">854</span> <h4>Trips Taken</h4> <p>On Arizona <span class="highlight">rivers</span> and lakes</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 fact-container"> <div class="fact"> <h2 class="highlight">1 Million</h2> <h4>Miles Traveled</h4> <p>Paddling, <span class="highlight">hiking</span> and exploring</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 fact-container"> <div class="fact"> <span class="counter highlight">26</span> <h4>Organizations Helped</h4> <p>Through our <span class="highlight">community</span> outreach</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#fun-facts </comment> <comment> Onepage Quotes </comment> <section id="quote" class="parallax-section-3"> <div class="container"> <div class="row wow fadeInUp animated"><div class="col-lg-12 wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="region region-onepage-quotes"> <div id="block-views-content-slider-quote-slider" class="block block-views"> <div class="content"> <div class="view view-content-slider view-id-content_slider view-display-id-quote_slider view-dom-id-8cbe9d9c774c5a0680716f5984493b96"> <div id="quote-slider" class="owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div> <blockquote><i class="icon-left ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i><span>I choose to listen to the river for a while, thinking river thoughts, before joining the night and the stars.</span><i class="icon-right ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i></blockquote> <h4 class="quote-author highlight">Edward Abbey</h4> </div> <div> <blockquote><i class="icon-left ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i><span>Rivers flow not past, but through us; tingling, vibrating, exciting every cell and fiber in our bodies, making them sing and glide.</span><i class="icon-right ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i></blockquote> <h4 class="quote-author highlight">John Muir</h4> </div> <div> <blockquote><i class="icon-left ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i><span>So, I had the so-called disadvantage of very little access to equipment and very few mentors that could tell me what could be done in a kayak, but then I also had the distinct advantage of having nobody who could tell me what couldn't be done.</span><i class="icon-right ion-quote ion-2x highlight"></i></blockquote> <h4 class="quote-author highlight">Steven Fischer</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#quotes </comment> <comment> Onepage Portfolio </comment> <section id="portfolio"> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-portfolio"> <div id="block-views-portfolio-cocoon-portfolio" class="block block-views"> <div class="content"> <div class="view view-portfolio view-id-portfolio view-display-id-cocoon_portfolio view-dom-id-05794e5c6d7d8a828503e6df0c2e00ab"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center"> <h3 class="section-title wow fadeInUp animated">Great Experiences.</h3> <p class="subheading wow fadeInUp animated">Creating trips and services that <span class="highlight">transform lives</span>.</p> </div> <div id="filters-container-fullwidth" class="cbp-l-filters-alignCenter wow fadeInUp animated"> <div data-filter="*" class="cbp-filter-item-active cbp-filter-item">All</div> <div data-filter=".guided-trips" class="cbp-filter-item"> Guided Trips <span class="cbp-filter-counter">7</span> </div> <div data-filter=".unguided-trips" class="cbp-filter-item"> Unguided Trips <span class="cbp-filter-counter">2</span> </div> <div data-filter=".services" class="cbp-filter-item"> Services <span class="cbp-filter-counter">2</span> </div> <div data-filter=".retail" class="cbp-filter-item"> Retail <span class="cbp-filter-counter">2</span> </div> <div data-filter=".rental-gear" class="cbp-filter-item"> Rental Gear <span class="cbp-filter-counter">4</span> </div> </div> <div id="grid-container-fullwidth" class="cbp-l-grid-fullScreen cbp cbp-chrome cbp-caption-zoom cbp-animation-slideDelay cbp-ready cbp-cols-3"> <ul class="cbp-wrapper"> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Paddleboard Yoga Class</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided Yoga Class</div> <a href="/node/85/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects retail"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Used/Charitable Gear Sales</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">by Vossen Design</div> <a href="/node/40/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Verde River @ Clarkdale Adventure Tour</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided River Adventure</div> <a href="/node/48/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects services"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Equipment Repair</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">When you need a fix...</div> <a href="/node/43/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects rental-gear"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Inflatable Kayak Rental</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">NRS MaverIK or RMR Animas</div> <a href="/node/42/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Classic Water to Wine by Sedona Adventure Tours</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided Wine Tour</div> <a href="/node/44/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects unguided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Verde River Inflatable Kayak Adventure & Shuttle</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Unguided River Trip</div> <a href="/node/37/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects unguided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Unguided Verde River @ Clarkdale Adventure</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Unguided River Adventure</div> <a href="/node/82/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Verde River @ Clarkdale Full Monty Expedition Tour</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided River Expedition</div> <a href="/node/84/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Lake Adventure Paddle</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided Lake Adventure</div> <a href="/node/92/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects rental-gear"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Stand Up Paddle Board Rentals</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Stand Up Paddleboard Rentals</div> <a href="/node/41/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects services"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Kayak Repairs</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">When your kayak isn't floating so well...</div> <a href="/node/47/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects retail"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">New Gear Sales</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">by Vossen Design</div> <a href="/node/45/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Full Moon Paddle</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided Lake Adventure</div> <a href="/node/91/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects guided-trips"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga Tour</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Guided Yoga Experience</div> <a href="/node/83/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects rental-gear"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Fluid Kayak Rental</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Do-It-Now Sit on Top</div> <a href="/node/46/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="cbp-item effect effects rental-gear"> <div class="img views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="img-responsive"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="" width="550" height="427" /></div> <div class="overlay views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="expand views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="cbp-l-caption-title">Camping/Hiking Gear Rentals</div> <div class="cbp-l-caption-desc">Camping and Hiking Gear</div> <a href="/node/39/raw" class="cbp-singlePage"><i class="icon-link"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="more-link"> <a href="/portfolio"> more </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#portfolio </comment> <comment> Onepage Get Connected </comment> <section id="get-connected" class="parallax-section-4"> <div 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class="content"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center"> <h3 class="section-title wow fadeInUp animated">What we do.</h3> <p class="subheading wow fadeInUp animated">We use <span class="highlight">our expertise</span> to make your adventure happen.</p> </div> <div class="row text-center wow fadeInUp animated"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 service"> <span class="icon-wrench size-6x"></span> <div class="service-info"> <h4>Building Opportunities</h4> <p class="service-description">ACA Instructors, medical professionals, and access technicians: our diverse experience and offerings are designed to help you build your perfect adventure.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 service"> <span class="icon-notebook size-6x"></span> <div class="service-info"> <h4>Creating Experiences</h4> <p class="service-description">Working with youth groups, non-profits and experts in their fields, we seek to protect the environment by showing you that which you have never seen before</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 service"> <span class="icon-basket-loaded size-6x"></span> <div class="service-info"> <h4>Products You Need</h4> <p class="service-description">Kayaks, rafts, stand up paddle boards and camping gear... if you need it to explore, we will sell, rent or repair it to keep you exploring.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 service"> <span class="icon-info size-6x"></span> <div class="service-info"> <h4>Services To Help</h4> <p class="service-description">Tours, classes, rentals, sales and gear repairs: whatever your experience and need, allow us to help you get out exploring today.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#services </comment> <comment> Onepage Call to Action 1 </comment> <section id="call-to-action-1" class="parallax-section-5"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-calltoaction1"> <div id="block-block-14" class="block block-block"> <div class="content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12 text-center"> <h3 class="wow fadeInUp animated">FEEL LIKE TRAVELING WITH US?</h3> <p class="wow fadeInUp animated">Questions, comments or concerns, we love to hear them all. In the world of outdoor adventure, the only bad question is the unasked one.</p> <a href="#contact" class="btn btn-primary btn-scroll">Get in Touch</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <comment> /.container, /#call-to-action-1 </comment> <comment> Onepage Price List </comment> <section id="price-list" class="parallax-section-6"> <div class="container"> <div class="region region-onepage-pricelist"> <div id="block-views-cocoon-pricing-table-block" class="block block-views"> <div class="content"> <div class="view view-cocoon-pricing-table view-id-cocoon_pricing_table view-display-id-block row wow fadeInUp animated animated view-dom-id-427660d671ceb05ee00b533720b4e583"> <div class="view-content"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 price-list-box"> <div class="price-box views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="price-table views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><span><h3 class="label">MID-WEEK RENTAL <span></span></h3></span></div> <div><div><p class="price grey"><sup class="currency">$</sup><span class="pricing">35 or 45</span><span class="time-period">Per Boat w/ Local ID</span></p></div></div> <div class="features grey"><div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">Rent four or more</li> <li>Get one FREE!</li> <li>Equal or Lesser value</li> <li>Includes PFD, Paddle and Pump</li> <li>Kayak of choice, single or double</li> <li>Offer good Tues-Thurs weekly</li> <li class="last">Offer ends 8/31/17</li> </ul></div></div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"><div class="field-content"><span class="feature option-button no-border"><a href="#contact" class="btn-effect btn-scroll">SIGN UP NOW!</a></span></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 price-list-box featured"> <div class="price-box views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="price-table views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><span><h3 class="label">MID-WEEK TOUR <span>Best Choice</span></h3></span></div> <div><div><p class="price grey"><sup class="currency">$</sup><span class="pricing">85</span><span class="time-period">Per Person w/ Local ID</span></p></div></div> <div class="features grey"><div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">Included in Tour:</li> <li>Professional guides (ACA, WFR, OEC, etc)</li> <li>Transportation inc. hotel pick up</li> <li>Kayak and Equip. inc</li> <li>All fees/taxes inc.</li> <li>Offer good Tues-Thurs weekly</li> <li class="last">Offer ends 8/31/17</li> </ul></div></div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"><div class="field-content"><span class="feature option-button no-border"><a href="#contact" class="btn-effect btn-scroll">SIGN UP NOW!</a></span></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 price-list-box"> <div class="price-box views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="price-table views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><span><h3 class="label">SUP Yoga Class <span>Brand New!</span></h3></span></div> <div><div><p class="price grey"><sup class="currency">$</sup><span class="pricing">65</span><span class="time-period">Per Person, no children</span></p></div></div> <div class="features grey"><div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">Included in Tour:</li> <li>Professional guides (ACA, WFR, OEC, etc)</li> <li>Board and Equip. inc</li> <li>All fees/taxes inc.</li> <li>1.5 hours on water at Tuzigoot</li> <li>Yoga Instruction on smooth pond</li> <li class="last">Offer good through end of year</li> </ul></div></div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"><div class="field-content"><span class="feature option-button no-border"><a href="#contact" class="btn-effect btn-scroll">SIGN UP NOW!</a></span></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 price-list-box"> <div class="price-box views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div class="price-table views-fieldset" data-module="views_fieldsets"> <div><span><h3 class="label">Full Monty Adventure <span>longest trip offered</span></h3></span></div> <div><div><p class="price grey"><sup class="currency">$</sup><span class="pricing">125</span><span class="time-period">Per Person</span></p></div></div> <div class="features grey"><div class="item-list"><ul><li class="first">Included in Tour:</li> <li>Professional guides (ACA, WFR, OEC, etc)</li> <li>Transportation inc. hotel pick up</li> <li>Kayak and Equip. inc</li> <li>All fees/taxes inc.</li> <li>Includes extra 2+ miles/1+ hour on water</li> <li class="last">Offer good through end of year</li> </ul></div></div> <div class="views-field views-field-field-button-link"><div class="field-
  • Google+ Identity: +SouthbySouthwestAdventuresLLCCottonwood
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Protecting Kids from Their Number One Killer—Unintentional Injury | Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County – Nebraska
Focusing on six of the leading causes of unintentional injury to children 14 years old and younger: child passenger safety, child pedestrian and bike safety, fire and burn prevention, water safety, home safety, and sports injury prevention
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Life Rearranged.
I was recently approached about P&G's Children's Safe Drinking Water Program. If I would like to try it out, and share it with my readers. You bet I hit
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Tadpole Academy Swim School
SAFETY and LOCATIONS NEAR YOU! Our unique and exciting school's primary focus is survival swim lessons for toddlers and preschoolers. We also offer caregiver and child classes for 6-24mths and Red Cross strokes courses for big kids. Our main location is in Prairieville at NewSong Methodist Church but we also have locations in Central, Zachary, New Roads, Denham Springs, Watson, Riverbend and Shenandoah areas of BR, Plaquemine, Port Allen, and Erwinville. All of our lead instructors are Red Cross certified Water Safety Instructors. Children learn safety topics at each lesson and how to save themselves if they accidentally fall into a body of water.
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Victoria Park Pool :: Welcome
Outdoor swimming pool in the heart of Sydney CBD, 50 metre lap pool - health club available
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Norwood Swimming School - Swimming Lessons for Babies, Toddlers, Children and Adults
Norwood Swim School - Our Learn to Swim Classes will teach your child all the swimming skills they will require in order to be safe in and around water. Focused swimming programs that develop water safety, confidence and swimming ability for all. Learn
  • Google Analytics ID: 43900855-1
swimming lessons and water safety instruction for children
swimming lessons and individualized survival instruction for children in Oviedo, Winter Springs, Eastern Seminole and Orange Counties in Central Florida
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EmBe Sioux Falls
EmBe in Sioux Falls strives everyday to be a place where women, children and youth can succeed, grow, and learn. Our programs are driven by our mission to enrich our community by empowering women and their families.
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Pool Safety, Child Safety, Water and Pool Alarm: Safety Turtle
Water Safety & Pool Safety - Personal Water Safety Immersion Alarm (Pool Alarm, Water Alarm): the last line of defense for Swimming Safety at the Pool, Boat or Shoreline for Child Safety, Children Safety, Pet Safety, Adult & Senior Safety: Safety Turtle
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Beauty Cosmetics Hair Fragrances Aromatherapy and More from - Your Source for beauty, Cosmetics, Hair, Fragrances, Aromatherapy, tips, shopping, and advice.
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Mermaid Red Sports | Canoeing | Rafting | Sailing | Water Softener Fishers
Solé Single Speed & Fixed Gear bicycles come with a flip-flop rear hub, allowing them to be ridden in Single Speed or Fixed Gear position. When they have the cards they have to have they turn their stick more than and place the cards that match it on the table (Meld). It is my opinion that the definitive sizing chart for frame size and saddle height can be found in Greg Lemond's Comprehensive Book of Bicycling. Commuting by bicycle is commonly a protected and healthy activity, but collisions are constantly a possibility. We make sure that you have a safe bike ride with high high-quality components,safety gear, lights and reflectors. If your stick demands only six cards for the meld e.g. a set of kings and a set of queens, you will have seven cards remaining in your hand. Our major Safety initiative is the Bicycle Owner's Manual content material, created for and licensed to our members for their cost savings and convenience. Plugging the measurements of a certain bicycle into the model revealed its path during motion, like a frame-by-frame animation. We set a card on every table and the cards assist the players transition from table to table.Table cards are a exciting way to decorate your table. For a mechanician — that fusty breed of engineer whose subject is defined by Newton's three laws of motion — the conundrums of the bicycle hold a special allure. We give road, mountain, comfort, hybrid, and children's bicycles, along with helmets, clothes, footwear, auto racks, and all of the related accessories to make certain your ride is optimal. Never danger letting creaky brakes and a gummed-up chain ruin your inaugural ride,let the BICYCLE CLINIC get your wheels operating like new again. Snapdeal’s online purchasing has all the top rated brands that supply you just about every type of bicycle you fancy. The corporation is establishing its own pipeline of bicycle molecules as properly as looking for research collaborations, supplying a selection of possibilities for candidates looking for to join a dynamic and entrepreneurial biotech company. In his book he points out that one of his rivals, Sean Kelly was also low, and almost certainly would have been more rapidly if adjusted effectively. You don't want to be riding on the roads at evening with standard reflectors, and riding a bicycle devoid of lights just after dark is illegal in some countries. Cyclocomputers calculate and display parameters like speed, distance and time of your trip, when the GPS units guide you in the suitable path.Bikers need to be equipped with protective gear that contain knee guards, and helmets. In a report that he ready at the time, he sketched a bizarre bicycle with a weight jutting out in front of the handlebars. Alternatively of, or in addition to, applying cycleway=opposite, you can use oneway:bicycle to recognize roads where the oneway guidelines for cyclists differ from the common oneway restriction. Papadopoulos convinced Ruina that bicycle providers — like oil corporations — could be interested in supporting academic research. A consumer watches bicycle racing on a screen in the outdoors terrace area at the Rapha Racing cycle club in Spitalfields industry. A single suspension bicycle with gears is much more than sufficient to give a comfy ride even on bumpy roads. Make sure you have reflectors on the front and rear of your bicycle (white lights on the front and red rear reflectors are necessary by law in several States), in addition to reflectors on your tires, so other individuals can see you.
  • Website Address renewal date: 17/7/29
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Private At-Home Swimming Lessons
Learn how to swim in just 12 swimming lessons guaranteed! Our experienced &amp; certified swim instructors come to you. Swim lesson plans for all ages. We specialize in personalized swimming lessons for kids, infants and adults in Greater Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, San Francisco Bay Area, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Florida, Miami, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Las Vegas and many more metro areas!
  • Google+ Identity: 115048812551360804226
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  • Website address in use until: 21/6/11 | Home
The International Swimming Hall of Fames mission is to promote the benefits and importance of swimming as a key to fitness, good health, quality of life, and the water safety of children.
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Voice Grounds Care part of the VGC Group, Garden Maintenance, Landscaping, Petersfield, Hampshire
Garden maintenance Hampshire gardeners landscaping surrey haslemere gardening landscapers petersfield alton fernhurst midhurst liphook godalming tree surgery lawn care garden landscape services
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SA Water VACSWIM South Australia - Swimming and water safety, water survival for children
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Swim Vietnam | Teach A Skill For Life & Help Save A Life
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  • Website Address renewal date: 17/8/5
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My Buddy Tag
My Buddy Tag is a child safety wearable and app that helps prevent lost children and accidental drowning.
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Home - International Water Safety Foundation
Drowning is an important public health issue with major impacts on children and youth. The first step is to strengthen public awareness.
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Dever's List | Melbourne Barristers | Find A Barrister
Dever's List is the oldest List of Barristers at the Victorian Bar, having started operation in 1855.
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SOCIAL COMMITMENT Twifo Oil Palm Plantations Limited has a major responsibility to impact on societal development to create an innovative friendly business environment within its location. For us, it is therefore important to contribute to society's future viability and create value in diverse ways. Within the scope of our operation, our social commitment is therefore geared towards 6 thematic areas which include; • Environmental protection • Health promotion • Safety • Education • Community development • Support for the national socio-economic development Environmental Protection In our quest to protect the environment, the Company aimed at maintaining high standard of environmental care to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment and the communities by demonstrating our compliance to all applicable legislations. We aim at prevention of pollution through continues improvement in our environmental performance in all our operations by; • Ensuring the safety of our products and operations to the environment. • Exercising concern for the environment where we operate. • Reducing environmental impact of our products and operations. • Developing and implementing processes and agricultural practices that are environmentally friendly. • Minimizing our consumption of natural resources and manage our waste through responsible disposal and recycling systems. • Working with industrial bodies, EPA and other stakeholders to promote environmental care among our partners. • Providing training for our employees and contractors to be aware of our environmental policy and objectives as well as measures that will be adopted to minimize impact on the environment. • Maintaining environmental monitoring programs to ensure compliance with all applicable legislations and to address our significant environmental aspects. • Paying attention and prevent pollutions caused by waste water, fertilizer/agro chemicals and air emission. Health Promotion One of the Social Commitments of our Company is to promote healthy standard for employees and the communities at large. In ensuring this, the Company has established a clinic which is patronized by all employees and the general public from the surrounding communities. The Company's medical team periodically engages in the promotion of;  Outreach programs in the communities to sensitize the people on the outbreak of epidemics.  Educational programs on healthy leaving lifestyles in the communities.  Sensitization programs to create awareness of the current trend of HIV AIDS in our surrounding communities and encourage free voluntary testing of individuals.  Periodic medical examination for employees and the people of the communities to know their health status.  Health talks on the local FM stations to create awareness of health issues. Safety Safety being one of the values and products of TOPP, our approach to issues of safety is extremely of high standard and our concern is directed towards our employees and the communities in which we operate. It is our desire to have safe environment both at work place and home to prevent personal injury and occupational illness so as to promote good health among our employees and the general public. As such, safety talks, hazard spotting, unsafe acts, near misses and behavioral safety observations are always part of each employee's annual target. Safety talks in relation to issues both at work and home are held every week by all sections in the company. The Company in extending this knowledge to the public has sponsored safety education program on the local FM station which is run every morning from Monday to Friday on topics such as road safety, environmental management, fire management, electricity management, health etc. These programmes are run in collaboration with the Ghana Highway Authority, the Ghana Fire Service, the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana Health Service and the Electricity Company of Ghana. Education TOPP is committed to ensuring that the children of its employees and to a limited extent the communities in its immediate surroundings get the best of education to equip them for the future. To this end TOPP maintains school facilities from Nursery to Junior High School on its estate. The school facilities are open to both employees' children and children from near-by communities. In addition to the provision of school facilities, scholarships are also awarded to employees' children and some brilliant but needy children from the community who gain admission to Government Assisted Second Cycle Educational Institutions. Community Development TOPP believes in the physical development of its environment especially the immediate communities that surround the Company. In our effort to promote development, the Company supports infrastructure and developmental projects initiated by the communities such as provision of roads, boreholes, KVIPs, electricity poles and transformers, renovation of school buildings and supporting other social programs in the communities. The company also provides technical and financial support to the MMDAs and the various traditional authorities in our area of operation. Support for the National Socio-economic Development In the area of national socio-economic development, TOPP endeavors to support the local economy through the infrastructure, services and employment generated by its operation by • Complying with the prevailing statutory employment and social obligations and laws and other applicable requirements to which the industry subscribes. • Implementing and maintaining a social system conforming to RSPO principles & criteria standards, the United Nations Global Compact Principles and the industry's policies and SOPs. • Embrace a policy of open engagement and on-going consultation with local communities, and other stakeholders or credible organizations that represent them with the intention of resolving all land disputes within its concession area in an honest, peaceful and fair manner; • Identify deficiencies and gaps within the community infrastructure and skills base, and provide the necessary empowerment support through a scheme of carefully designed support and build-up programs that include the areas of education and health welfare; • Preserve indigenous cultural values through protecting of religious places of worships and restoring or leaving intact historical sites;
  • Website Address renewal date: 15/4/3
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Quality Swim Lessons | Academy Swim Club | Swim 4 Life
Academy Swim Club offers swim lessons and water safety awareness for all ages to learn to Swim 4 Life. Our lessons are Internationally Recognized &
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Home & Garden Directory is the directory of home & garden offering bathroom, bed & bath, home decor, pest control, pools, swimming pools & spas, water gardens, laundry, kitchen, dining, barbecues, woodworking, antique furniture, cooking, floors & window treatments.
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American Swim Academy
Bay Area Swim Lessons: Swim, Fun, Safety. Swim School and swimming Lessons for infants, toddlers and children of all ages in the San Francisco Bay Area. We serve Dublin, Castro Valley, San Ramon, Pleasanton and Danville. Embrace water safety and teach your kids how to swim soon.
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Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia - Kidsafe Victoria
Kidsafe, the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia (CAPFA), was established in 1979. We are an independent, non-profit, non-government charitable foundation dedicated to the prevention of unintentional death, injury and associated disability to children. Kidsafe operates at national, state and regional levels in cooperation with a variety of stakeholders including government, industry, schools, hospitals, the media, community groups, voluntary organisations and individuals. Kidsafe has helped reduce the childhood death rate from unintentional injury by 50 percent. Working together, we can do much more for kids everywhere. Join our effort at
    TINCO Swim School- swimming lessons for babies, children & adults.
    Tinco Water Activity Centre is a swim school with an indoor heated swimming pool in Pretoria, South Africa providing quality swimming lessons for babies, children and adults. Here they all learn to swim to be safe, fit, and to have lots of fun! Visit us to see what its' all about.
      Welcome to Kidsafe New South Wales Inc
      On this website you will find information about current news and events, information sheets, resources and program information to help keep children safe. Child safety is an important issue and we hope this website will help spread the word to make Australia a safer place for children.
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      Sustainable Communities Online
      The Sustainable Communities Network website connects citizens with the resources they need to implement innovative processes and programs to restore the economic, environmental, and social health and vitality of their communities. It addresses a wide range of issues related to community sustainability, including creating communities, smart growth, growing a sustainable economy, protecting natural resources, living sustainably, and governing communities. In addition it gives case studies, resources, related Web sites, links to relevant sites, events calendars, and suggested reading.
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      <h5>Water Safety Instruction Palos Verdes, Swim Lessons Palos Verdes, Swim Lessons Torrance, Water Safety Lessons Torrance, Water Safety Instruction Redondo Beach, Swim Lessons Redondo Beach, Swim Lessons Manhattan Beach, Water Safety Instruction in the South Bay From Manhattan Beach to Palos Verdes </h5>
      Swim310 is your source for swim instruction for children and adults of all ages and abilities.....we are an association of professional swim instructors who will give the lesosns either at our pool or travel to your place for swim lessons in south bay cities including torrance, palos verdes, redondo beach, manhattan beach, and more.
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      Swim For Life Ohio | Water Safety & Swimming Lessons for Children
      Founded by OSU's Head Mens Swimming Coach Bill Wadley, Swim For Life Ohio teaches water safety and provides swimming lessons to underserved children.
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      Honeydew Nets - Home
      Life Guard Swimming Pool Safety Nets, Swimming Pool Covers, Solar Blankets, Pool Fencing alternatives, Swimming Pool Fencing alternatives, Cargo Nets, Tarpaulins, Sports Nets, Playground Nets, Specialized Electric Nets, Sole Manufacturers of Life Guard Nets and Covers and Exporters World-wide, Solar Blankets, Solar Covers, Cricket Nets, Cricket Netting
        delux inflatable trampoline(can be used as water trampoline)
        The 1975 catalog included a closed inflatable trampoline called 'The Moon Walk'. It was designed to increase children's safety.
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        Brewer Swimming
        Our boutique swim school caters for every individual, aiming to develop water confidence and facilitate water safety skills in a safe and fun environment.
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        2024-05-24 06:26:48 ... 0.0340